Mindful Interlude (Washing Up)

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Mindful Interlude

Mindful Interlude – Washing Up

I set about the chore of washing up

And squirted the soapy liquid into the sink

I turned on the tap

And in an instant I was captivated

By the chugging waterfall as it thundered out

And splattered onto a grey soup dish.

I turned off the tap and then it all began.

Dipping my hands into the warm solution

I watched the dispersal

Mutation and transformation

Of dense and translucent colourful bubbles

All shapes, sizes and patterns.

Like living pulsing cells, the bubbles floated

On a foamy sea of white and blanket grey.

Some of the bubbles

Were interconnected and overlapping

Others separate, distinct, indistinct, alone.

And in each swish swash swirling movement

They changed shape and altered state.

Reforming and reappearing as new life forms

Shape shifted over and over again.

The soft soothing pool of liquid

Stroked and caressed my fingers and hands

A warm tingling sensation stirred within me

As wave after wave ascended the arterial wall

And flowed through the entirety of my body

And with each breath came stillness of thought

And a tranquil state of mind.

Without thinking, I became aware

Of the rhythm of my breathing

And a brighter sense of being

The blinds opened and let in the light

Morning had broken, song birds dizzied in flight

The bubble moment and I synergised one on on

Heartbeat, pulse, transcendence, unsung.

To be immersed, suspended in time and space

Filled with calm, quietude and grace

All in the completion of an everyday task

A moment in time, minutes to bask

I continued washing up the dishes

The face of a dog appeared on a plain white mug

I smiled at it, then it was gone.

Copyright 2020 © Eve Howard.